Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition = 1200 pages + 30h video:
Efficient and Effective Treatment of a Wide Range of Common Diseases based on DrV's Functional Inflammology Protocol (video)
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Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition (PDF cover, PDF contents) is the "master textbook" that details the functional inflammology protocol, described below. The full-color paper book is available for international shipping from ICHNFM.ORG while paper and digital versions are available from major bookstores such as (also in the UK and in Germany...) and Because the information in this book has already been time-proven via previous publications and extensive peer-review and thousands of citations to authoritative sources, it will not change nor be replaced in the foreseeable future. Any necessary updates will be provided by articles, videos, live webinars, and an extending separate "volume 3" described below.
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Comments about book indexes:
Some of the world's most popular and powerful books do not have indexes. The Bible has no index. Second to The Bible in western literature is Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead, also without an index.
"A typical index for an ordinary book takes up about 5% of the pages. That’s an index for a 100-page book that’s 5 pages long. But many books are not typical. Library reference books and some guidebooks are often much more detailed. An 8% index is more typical for those. That’s an index to a 100-page book that’s 8 pages long."
Index entries:
11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 737
12-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid, 370
12-R-HETE, 370
12-R-lipoxygenase, 375
12-S-HETE, 370
12-S-lipoxygenase, 375
13-S-HODE, 369
15-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid, 370
15-hydroxy-eicosatrienoic acid, 368
15-lipoxygenase-1, 375
15-lipoxygenase-2, 375
15-S-HETE, 370
2,4-dichlorophenol, 237
2,5-dichlorophenol, 236
2010 ACR guidelines for the diagnosis and assessment of FM, 910
25(OH) vitamin D, 59, 745
2-hydroxyestrone, 693
3-3-hydroxyphenyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid, 442, 935
5-HETE, 370
5-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid, 369
5-hydroxytryptophan, 960
5-lipoxygenase, 374
5pSPMD, 717
8-lipoxygenase, 375
8-S-HETE, 370
Abducens, 23
Acacia catechu, 535
ACEi, 807
Acetaminophen, 913
Acetyl-L-carnitine, 789
Acetyl-L-carnitine, 970
Acinetobacter spp, 94
Acupuncture, 791, 973
Acute nontraumatic monoarthritis, 122
Acute red eye, 119
Acute-onset HTN, 752
Adenosine monophosphate (AMP), 571
Adipokines, 205, 822
Adipose, 205, 822
ADP, dosing and clinical use, 493, 720
Adrenic acid, 367
Adverse food reactions, 379, 984
African American, 807
ALA, 359
Alcohol, 413, 460, 929
Aldolase, 1146
Aldosterone:renin ratio, 748
Aldosterone-to-renin ratio, 748
Algal chlorovirus ATCV-1, 441, 935
Alginate, 1093
Alkalinization, 267, 770
Allergy diagnosis, 391
Allium sativum, 779
Alpha-2 agonists, 813
Alpha-adrenergic receptor class-2 agonist, 813
Alpha-adrenergic receptor type-1 antagonist, 812
Alpha-linolenic acid, 359
Alveolar hemorrhage, 1062
Alzheimer’s disease, 92
Amitriptyline, 912
Amlodipine, 810
Amoxicillin, 496
ANA - interpretation, 78
ANA - overview, 26
Analgesia (natural), 266, 267
ANCA, 1103
ANCA-associated vasculitis (also called "granulomatosis with polyangiitis", formerly Wegener’s granulomatosis, 428
Andrographis paniculata, 537
Anesthetics, 298
Anethum graveolens, 535
Aneurysm (intracranial), 875
Angiotensin-2 converting enzyme inhibitors, 807
Anise, 534
Ankylosing spondylitis, 1110
Anti-autoantibody interventions, 1071
Antibiotic/antifungal drugs, 495
Anticardiolipin antibodies, 1064
Anti-CCP antibodies, 81, 1024
Anticitrullinated protein antibodies, 81
Anticyclic citrullinated peptide, 1024
Anti-double stranded (DS, native) DNA antibodies, 1064
Antidysbiotic lifestyle, 489
Antifibrillarin antibodies, 1092
Anti-histone antibodies, 1064
Antihistorical, 196
Anti-inflammatory & analgesic treatments, 255
Anti-Jo-1, 1146
Antimetabolites, 413, 415, 928
Antimicrobial treatment of SIBO, 963
Antimutagenesis as a direct antiviral strategy, 573, 582
Anti-nuclear antibodies, 1064
Antinuclear antibody - interpretation, 78, 79
Antioxidant capacity of fruits and vegetables, 209
Antiphospholipid and Anticardiolipin antibodies, 1064
Antiphospholipid syndrome, 427
Antiphospholipid/ anticardiolipin/ Hughes syndrome, 85
Anti-Ro antibodies, 1064
Anti-Sm (anti-Smith) antibodies, 1064
Antiviral (phyto)nutrition, 723
Aortic coarctation, 735
Arachidonate avoidance, 769
Arachidonic acid metabolites formed by cyclooxygenase, 368
Arachidonic acid, 366
Arginine, 775, 776
Arginine, omega-3 fatty acids and nucleotide-supplemented enteral support, 585
Armour thyroid, 697
Aromatase, 693
Aromatase, 828
Artemisia annua, 494, 533, 722
Artificial sweeteners, colors and other additives, 212
Ascorbic acid, 587, 770
Aspartame, 212
Asthma & Reactive Airway Disease, 1001
Atlantoaxial instability in AS and RA, 1111
Atlantoaxial instability, 120, 121
Atlas vertebra realignment, 795
Augmentin, 496, 964
Authentic living, 221
Autism, 414, 415, 483, 484, 485, 530
Auto-brewery syndrome, 459
Autoimmune hepatitis, 85
Autoimmune thyroid disease, 85
Autointoxication, 459
Autonomization, 224
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head, osteonecrosis, 123
Azithromycin for psoriasis, 1048
Azithromycin, 496
Babesia, 93
Bacterial allergy, 434
Bacterial DNA, 409
Bacterial overgrowth, 473
Bacteriophage therapy, 497
Bacteriophages, 556, 1059
Balance shoes, 294
Barrett’s esophagus, 1078
Bed rest, 254
Beets, 537
Behcet's Disease, 1133
Behcet's Syndrome, 1133
Berberine, 533, 781
Berberine: dosing and clinical use, 720
Beta-adrenergic receptor blockers, “beta blockers”, 809
Beta-glucuronidase, 104, 488
Betaine, 576
Betulina, 534
Bile flow, 706
Biochemical Individuality - overview, 216
Biochemical individuality, 195
Biofilms, 439
Bioflavonoids in the treatment of allergy, 388, 994
Biotin, 611
Bismuth, 494, 534, 722
Blastocystis hominis, 493, 525, 720
Bleach bath, 515
Blood Dysbiosis, 511
Blood pressure measurement, 743
Body mass index (BMI) for predicting amount and duration of weight loss, 744
Body Mass Index, 204, 822
Boerhaavia diffusa, 537
Bone necrosis caused by NSAIDs, 250
Borrelia burgdorferi, 93
Boswellia serrata, 259
Bowel-associated dermatitis-arthritis syndrome (BADAS), 434
Bradycardia, 807
Breath testing, 487
Bromocriptine, 691, 692
Brucea javanica, 535
Buchu/betulina, 534
Butyrate, 415
BVG-LOC profile, 753
Bystander activation, 428
Cabergoline, 691
Caffeine, 212
Calcium channel blockers (dihydropyridine class), 810
Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease, 124, 125
Campylobacter, 93
Canadian Hypertension Education Program recommendations, 761
C-ANCA, 1103
Candida albicans, 526
Candida hypersensitivity, 434
Cannabis sativa and related variants, 261
Caprylic acid, 535
Capsicum annuum, Capsicum frutescens, 260, 1049
Carbohydrate loading for supercompensation, 211
Carboxy-methyl-lysine, 904
Cardiopulmonary examination, 743
Carica papaya ("papaya"), 567
Carnitine Insufficiency Caused by Aging and Overnutrition, 789
Carnitine, antiinflammatory effects, 1049
Carpal bones myofascial release, 290
Carpal tunnel syndrome - clinical management, 286
Carpal tunnel syndrome - manipulative treatment, 292
Carrageenan, 212
Cartilage destruction caused by NSAIDs, 250
Casokinins, 773
Catecholamine-O-methyltransferase, 737
Cat's claw, 259
Cauda equina syndrome, 2, 120
Cayenne pepper - monograph, 1049
Cayenne pepper, 260
CBC – overview, 25
CCB, 810
CCP, 81, 1024
Celiac disease and autoimmunity, 492
Celiac disease and autoimmunity, 719
Celiac disease, 85, 429
Cell wall-deficient bacteria, 408
Centella asiatica, 1088
Central neurogenic hypertension, 738
Cephalexin, 497, 516
Cervical spine dysfunction, 742
Cervical Spine: Rotation Emphasis, 280
CH50, 1064
Chemistry panel – overview, 25
Chemistry/metabolic panel, 745
Chiropractic model of illness and healing, 152
Chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy, 792, 794
Chiropractic, 973
Chiropractic-supervised water-only fasting in the treatment of borderline hypertension, 668, 669, 763
Chlamydia trachomatis, 93
Chlamydia/Chlamydophila pneumoniae, 93, 517, 918
Chlorella pyrenoidosa, 673, 725
Chlorella, 673, 725, 979
Chlorovirus ATCV-1, 441, 935
Chlorpyrifos, 236
Chocolate, 771
Chondroitin, 270
Chronic fatigue syndrome, 94
Chronic inflammatory disease, sustained inflammatory response, 398
Churg-Strauss syndrome, 1099
CIC (circulating immune complexes), 1141
Ciprofloxacin, 497
Citrate synthase, 890
Citrobacter freundii, 526
Citrobacter rodentium, 526
Clinical Assessments for HTN, 742
Clinical Case: 45yo HLA-B27+ woman with recurrent UTIs and a 7-year history of ankylosing spondylitis, 501
Clinical Case: Abnormal lactulose-mannitol ratio in a patient with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, 499
Clinical Case: Elevated hsCRP (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein) in a male patient with metabolic syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis, 500
Clinical Case: Elevated plasma ammonia in the absence of liver disease, 461
Clinical Case: Exemplary case of clinical and laboratory evidence of reversal of “severe, aggressive, drug-resistant” rheumatoid arthritis, 402
Clinical Management, 752
Clinical practice involves much more than “diagnosis and treatment”, 114
Clonidine, 813
Clostridium, especially in autism, 485
Clove, 534
Cluster headache - differential diagnosis of head pain, 875
Cluster headache, 874
Cluster headaches, treatment with melatonin, 899
Cocaine, 735
Cockcroft-Gault formula, 740
Cocoa, 771
Cod liver oil, 588
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in cardiac disease, 788
Coenzyme Q-10, 787, 966
Coffee as a gastrointestinal stimulant, 495
Cold and stretch treatment for MFTP, 277
Colonization, 399
Combination of streptococcal antigen with bacterial DNA, 410
Combinatorial inflammology, 478
Combinatorial multifocal polydysbiosis, 398
Commiphora molmol, 533
Complement, 84
Complements C3 and C4, 54
Composite seropositivity, 1024
Composite seropositivity, 81
Comprehensive parasitology, 102
Comprehensive parasitology, 102, 501, 529
Compression - use in injury management, 255
Conn’s syndrome, 739
Conscious living, 196
Consciousness-raising, 224
Consent to treatment, 110
Contemplation, 194
Contraceptives, 735
Controlled breathing, 791
CoQ-10 in the treatment of allergy, 388, 994
CoQ-10 treatment for migraine, 890
CoQ10, 420, 787, 969
Corrective experience, 224
Cortef, 695
Cortical spreading depression, 866
Cortisol, 694
Cosmetics, 979
Cough headache - differential diagnosis of head pain, 875
Counterthrust, 279
CPDD, 125
CPPD, 124, 125
Cranberry, 534
Cranial nerve V, pain sensation in migraine, 863
Cranial nerves, 22, 23
C-reactive protein - interpretation, 27
Creatine kinase, 1146
Creatine monohydrate, 970
CREST syndrome, 1074
Cross-reactivity, 423
CRP - interpretation, 52
Cryoglobulinemia, 1098
Curcumin requires piperine for absorption, 308, 377, 389, 996
Curcumin, 537
Cushing’s disease/syndrome, 735
Cutaneous dysbiosis/colonization—introduction to assessment, 90
Cyclic citrullinated protein antibodies, 81, 1024
Cyclobenzaprine, 913
Cyclooxygenase (COX), 373
Cymbalta, 912
Cytochrome-c-oxidase, 890
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), 1054
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), 548
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), 92
Cytomegalovirus—Induction of vasculopathy, 1084
Cytomegalovirus—Induction of vasculopathy, 549
Cytomel, 697
Daily living, 190
DAMP, 417
Danazol, 1066
Danger/damage-associated molecular patterns—DAMP—receptors, 417
Dark Chocolate, 771
DASH: Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, 758
DDE, 235
DDT, 235
Deep tendon reflexes, 24
Definition of dysbiosis, 396
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, 1122
Delta-4-desaturase, 373
Delta-5-desaturase, 373
Delta-6-desaturase, 372
Dengue virus, 567
Dental care, 505
Depuration, 238, 239
Dermatomyositis sine myositis, 1142
Dermatomyositis, 1142
Dermatopolymyositis, 1142
Detoxification defects caused by leaky gut, 486
Detoxification programs are a necessity, 235
Detoxification, 239, 921
Detoxification, problems and solutions, 704
Detoxification: An Ultracondensed Clinical Review, 699
Devil’s claw, 259
DGLA metabolites formed by 15-lipoxygenase, 368
DGLA metabolites formed by cyclooxygenase, 367
DGLA, 365
DHA, 257
DHA, 361
DHEA, 1108
DHEA, 695
Diabetes mellitus type 1.5, 85
Diabetes, 512
Dientamoeba fragilis, 526
Diet optimization, 957
Dietary haptenization, 382, 988
Dietary molecular mimicry, 383
Dietary molecular mimicry, 988
Differential Diagnoses of HTN, 734
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, 1114
Diffuse systemic sclerosis, 1074
Diflucan, 965
Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid, 365
Diindolylmethane, 693
Dill (antimicrobial actions), 535
DIM, 693
Dimercaptosuccinic acid, 709, 920
DISH, 1114
D-lactic acid intestinal bacteria in chronic fatigue syndrome, 413, 929
D-lactic acid, 924
D-lactic acidosis, 414
D-lactic acidosis, 929
DMSA, 709
DMSA, 920
DNA methylation and "folic acid"*, 577
DNA methylation and histone acetylation, 449
DNA methylation as an antiviral antireplication strategy, 576
DNA methylation, 1058, 582
Docere, 131
Docosahexaenoic acid, 361
Docosapentaenoic acid, 361, 367
Docosatrienes, 308, 362
Dostinex, 691
Double hit model of microbe synergism for autoimmunity induction, 427
DPA, 361
D-ribose, 970
Drop thrust, 283, 607
Drug treatments for chronic HTN, 805
Drug-induced lupus, 428
Drugs for intestinal bacterial overgrowth, 495
Dry needling or injection of local anesthetic or saline
Duloxetine, 912
Dysbiosis can be distinguished based on the location(s) of the dysbiotic foci/focus, 396
Dysbiosis in scleroderma, 553
Dysbiosis treatments, 532
Dysbiosis—introduction to concepts and testing, 86
Ear lobe crease, 743
Ebola virus infection, 544, 572
ECG, 749
Eicosanoid modulation, 267
Eicosapentaenoic acid, 360
Eicosatetraenoic acid, 360, 366
Eicosatrienoic acid, 365
EKG, 749, 750
Electrocardiography, 749
Elimination and challenge technique, 391, 999
Elongase, 373
Emergencies, 119
Emotional literacy, 224
Emotional, mental, and social health, 221
Endocrinologic activity of adipose tissue, 205
Endolimax nana, 493, 527, 720
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and ER stress (ERS), 651
Endotoxins (lipopolysaccharide) from gram-negative bacteria, 404
Enemas, 537
Enhanced processing of autoantigens, 425, 441, 934
Entamoeba hartmanni, 493, 720
Entamoeba histolytica, 471, 479, 527
Enterococcus, 527
Enteropathic spondylo-arthropathy, enteropathic arthritis, 1110
Enterovirus D68, 544
Enthesopathies, 1111
Environmental dysbiosis, 517
Environmental dysbiosis/colonization—introduction to assessment, 90
Enzyme therapy, 594
Enzymes in fatty acid metabolism, 372
EPA - review, 360
EPA, 257
Epicatechin, 772
Epigenetic dysbiosis/eubiosis, 448
Epigenetic dysfunction, 448
Epigenetic silencing of viral sequences, 543
Epinephrine and norepinephrine, 749
Epstein-Bar virus (EBV), 92, 548, 1054, 1085
Erythromycin, 496, 722
Esophageal dysfunction and GERD in scleroderma, 1092
ESR - interpretation, 54
Essay: Common Oversights and Shortcomings in the Study and Implementation of Nutritional Supplementation, 315
Essay: Five-Part Nutritional Wellness Protocol That Produces Consistently Positive Results, 310
Essay: Implementing the Five-Part Nutritional Wellness Protocol for the Treatment of Various Health Problems, 312
Essay: Twilight of the Idiopathic Era and The Dawn of New Possibilities in Health and Healthcare, 814, 858
Essential fatty acid, 358, 365
Estrogen, 692, 735
Ethanol, 460, 736
Eucalyptus oil, 521
Exceptional living, 195
Exercise, 201, 791
Eye and fundoscopic examination, 743
Facial nerve, 23
Faecalibacterium, 472
Family health history, 13
Fasting (short-term water-only), 762
Fatty Acid Modulation of Eicosanoid Production and Genetic Expression, 309
Fatty acid supplementation, 769
Fatty acids, 588
Fecal transplant, 497
Ferritin - interpretation, 54
Ferritin - overview, 26
Feverfew, 897
Fibromyalgia clinical criteria: description and contrast of the 1990 criteria and the 2010 criteria, 909
Fibromyalgia disease, 902
Fibromyalgia initiated by dysbiosis, 463
Fibromyalgia, 901
Fibrosis of the skin and internal organs, 1074
Fish oil, 769
Fish oil, EPA with DHA - rationale for use in basic conservative care, 257
Flax seed oil, 359
Flossing, including use of "floss picks", 505
Fluconazole, 965
Folate deficiency and cervical dysplasia, 576
Food allergen avoidance, 763
Food allergens, 213
Food allergy diagnosis, 391, 999
Food allergy in the induction and perpetuation of autoimmunity, 986
Food allergy, 379, 985
Food challenges, 391, 999
Formula SF722, 493, 720
Fructose avoidance, 767
Fumaderm, 1141
Fumaric acid esters, 1141
Functional assessment, 19
Functional Medicine (FxMed) perspectives, 916
Fundoscopic examination, 743
Furosemide, 811
Gamma delta T cells, 610
Gamma strep, 527
Gamma-linolenic acid, 257, 365
Garlic, 534, 779
Gastric ulceration and gastrointestinal bleeding caused by NSAIDs, 250
Gastrointestinal dysbiosis, 471
Gastrointestinal dysbiosis/colonization—introduction to assessment, 88
Gene products - amplification by NF-kappaB, 376
Genital mucosal lesions, 1135
Genitourinary dysbiosis/colonization—introduction to assessment, 89
GERD in scleroderma, 1092
Gestational hypertension, 736
Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis, 1097
Giant Cell Arteritis (previously Temporal Arteritis), 1100
Giant cell arteritis, 119
Giardia lamblia, 527, 528
Ginger, 258, 537
GLA - review, 365
Glial activation, 441, 935
Gliotoxin, 438
Glossopharyngeal, 23
Glucosamine, 270
Glutamate and the NMDA receptor in headache, 870, 872
Glutamate/NMDA receptor, 442, 935
Glutamine, 589
Gluten avoidance, SLE treatment, 1066
Glycolytic pathways, 894
Glycyrrhiza glabra, 565, 737
Goldhamer, 762
Gottron’s sign, 1144
Gotu cola, 1088
Gout, 124
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis, formerly Wegener’s granulomatosis, 429
Granulomatous disease (sarcoidosis), 1138
Granulomatous uveitis, 1138
Grape seed extract (GSE), 308, 377, 389, 571, 996
Green tea, 308, 377, 389, 618, 996
Group A streptococci, 531
Gulf War Illness, 94
H2S—hydrogen sulfide, 924, 929
Haemophilus influenzae, 427
Haptenization, 428
Harpagophytum procumbens, 259
HCTZ, 811
Helicobacter pylori, 94, 528, 1085
Heliotrope/purple facial/cheek rash, 1144
Hematocolpos, 1113
Hemochromatosis, 160
Hemochromatosis, 919
Hemoglobin A1c, 747
Henoch-Schonlein purpura, 1099
Hepatic and renal injury and failure caused by NSAIDs, 250
Hepatic encephalopathy in the absence of liver disease, 459
Hepatitis B virus (HepB, HBV), 92
Hepatitis C virus (HepC, HCV), 92
Hepatobiliary stimulation for IgA-complex removal, 536
Herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2), 560
Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV1, HSV2), 92
Herpes zoster. The treatment and prevention of neuralgia with adenosine monophosphate, 571
HERV, 554, 1055
HFE mutation, 167
Hgb-A1c, 747
Hierarchy of Therapeutics, 131
High glycemic foods, 255
High-dose mannose-binding lectin therapy for Ebola virus infection, 572
High-fructose corn syrup, 737
High-risk pain patients, 109
History taking, 8
HLA-B27, 425
Homologs, 423, 427
Hormones in the treatment of allergy, 390, 998
Hospital/physician errors, 253
HPHPA, 442, 935
HPV, 1054
HPV, 548, 561, 1054
HTLV (human T-lymphotropic virus) in SLE, 549, 1055
HTN prevalence, 732
HTN, CVD, 730
Hughes syndrome, 85
Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) play a role in autoimmune diseases, 554
Human herpes virus type-6 (HHV-6), 92, 560
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 92, 558
Human papilloma virus (HPV), 548, 561, 1054
HVLA, 279
Hydralazine, 813
Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), 811
Hydrogen sulfide, 413, 474, 924, 929
Hydrosoluble coenzyme Q10, 789
Hydroxocobalamin, 883
Hyperaldosteronism, 739
Hypercalcemia, 736
Hyperglycemia adversely impacts the innate immune system, 599
Hypericum perforatum shows impressive antibacterial action, 494, 533, 722
Hyperinsulinemia, 211, 736
Hyperprolactinemia, 689
Hypersensitivity/allergic dysbiosis, 474
Hypertension, see also HTN, 728
Hypertensive emergency, 752, 752
Hyperthyroidism, 742
Hypochlorite, 516
Hypoglossal nerve, 23
Hypomethylation, 577
Hypothyroidism, 742, 801, 917
I3C, 693
Iatrogenic neurosis, 265
Ice/heat, 254
Idiopathicization, 1143
IgE and IgG assays, 999
Immune complex formation and deposition, 430, 1053
Immune complexes, 1141
Immunodysregulatory dysbiosis, 479
Immunonutrition (against dysbiosis), 536
Immunonutrition, 585
Immunophenotype determination, 610
Immunostimulation by bacterial DNA, 409
Immunosuppression via gliotoxins, 438
Immunosuppressive dysbiosis, 474
Immunotoxicity, 699
Inadequacies in musculoskeletal education and training among physicians, 247
Inclusion body myositis, 1145
Increased intestinal permeability caused by NSAIDs, 250
Individualize treatment - importance, 255
Individuation, 196
Indole, 413, 929
Indole-3-carbinol, 693
Inflammation promotes more inflammation, 376
Inflammatory bowel disease--laboratory testing, 85
Inflammatory dysbiosis, 475
Informed consent, 110
Inhibition of detoxification by dysbiosis, 434
Insufficiency dysbiosis, 432
Insulin resistance and gut dysbiosis, 481
Insulin resistance, 211, 512, 736
Insulin, 747
Internal locus of control, 226
Intestinal/mesenteric vasculitis, 1062
Intracranial aneurysm, 875
Intracranial mass lesion, 876
Intradependence, 224
Introduction to Injection Therapies, 298
Iodine, 697
Iodine/iodide—oral administration of pharmacologic doses, 569
Iron overload as a cause of headaches, 877
Iron Overload, 160, 876, 919
Juvenile spondylo-arthropathy, 1111
Kawasaki disease, 552, 1099
Keflex, 497
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, 1120
Klebsiella pneumoniae, 471, 528
Koch’s Postulates, 399
LA, 365
Labile support surface, 294
Laboratory assessments: general considerations, 25
Lactoferrin, 104, 488
Lactokinins, 773
Lactulose-mannitol assay evaluates paracellular/pathologic and transcellular/physiologic absorption, 487
Lactulose-mannitol assay, 26, 487
LADA, 85
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, 1145
L-Arginine, 775
Lasix, 811
Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults, 85
Laxatives promote eradication of intestinal microbes, 495
L-carnitine, 789
Lead accumulation, 748
Lead and HTN, 77, 748
Lead, 920
Leaky gut diagram, 486
Leaky gut, 101, 416
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), 568
Leukotriene B4, 370
Leukotriene B-5, 362
Levothyroxine, 696
L-form, 408
Licorice, 565, 737
Lifestyle habits, 191
Limited cutaneous scleroderma, 1074
Linoleic acid metabolites formed by lipoxygenases, 369
Linoleic acid, 365
Linolenic acid, 359
Liothyronine, 697
Liotrix, 697
Lipoic acid, 308, 377, 389, 578, 996
Lipoxygenases (LOX), 374
Lisinopril, 808
Liver biopsy in iron overload, 167
Low starch diet, 492, 719
Low-back pain: differential diagnostic considerations, 1113
Low-carbohydrate (low fermentation) supplemented Paleo-Mediterranean diet, 491
Low-carbohydrate (low fermentation) supplemented Paleo-Mediterranean diet, 718
LOX, 374
LPS triggers TRL4 to activate mitochondrial hyperpolarization, 421
LT-C4, 370
LT-D4, 370
LT-E4, 370
L-tryptophan, 949
L-tyrosine and iodine, 697
Lugol’s solution against influenza, 569
Lumbar Roll, 284
Lupus and Epstein-Barr, 549
Lupus, 1053
Lyme disease, 93
Lyrica, 912
Lysine, 570
Madecassol, 1088
Magnesium, 767, 961
Malignant HTN, 752
Manipulation of the Costovertebral Junction, 282
Manipulation, mobilization, and massage, 266
ManKind Project, 224
Manual Medicine, 278
Marshall protocol, 452
Mask-like face, 1075
Massage, 263
Mechanisms of autoimmune disease induction by microorganisms, 403
Mechanistic dysbiosis, 479
Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin, 656
Medical history, 13
Meditation, 791
Melatonin, 200, 592, 802, 969
Melissa officinalis, 568
Melzack and Wall, 908
Meningitis, 876
Mentha piperita, 494, 534, 722
Mercurial myopathy, 920
Mercury impairs catecholamine degradation, 737
Mercury toxicity, 237, 702, 737, 920
Metabolic dysbiosis, 479
Metabolism of omega-3 fatty acids and related eicosanoids - illustration, 364
Metabolism of omega-6 fatty acids and related eicosanoids - illustration, 371
Methylation of DNA, 582, 1058
Metoprolol, 810
Metronidazole, 495
Metronidazole, 722
MFTP - clinical management, 274
Microbial colonization, 86
Microbial dysepigenetics, 448
Microbial hypersensitivity, bacterial allergy, 434
Microbial Induction of Noninfectious Systemic Disease, 403
Microglial activation, 441, 935
Migraine - differential diagnosis of head pain, 876
Migraine with aura, 874
Milk protein-derived peptide inhibitors of angiotensin-I-converting enzyme, 775
Milk thistle, 537
Milnacipran, 913
Mimotopes, 423, 427
Mind-Body Approaches, 791
Minimize factors that promote disease, 241
Minocycline, 496
Mitochondrial DAMPs, 417
Mitochondrial dysfunction and mTOR activation, 420
Mitochondrial dysfunction promotes central sensitization, 928
Mitochondrial dysfunction, 904, 905
Mitochondrial impairment is the origin of migraine and cluster headache, 864
Mitochondrial myopathy, 905
Mitophagy, 906, 925, 949, 951, 965, 966
Mixed connective tissue disease, 1074
Mobilization, 266
Molecular mimicry, 423
Monoarthritis, 122
Mononeuritis multiplex, 1101
Mononucleosis, 92
Motivation, 193
Motivation: moving from theory to practice, 194
mTOR, 420, 656
Mucuna pruriens, 690
Multifocal Dysbiosis, 396, 1152
Multifocal polydysbiosis, 86
Multiple chemical sensitivity, 436
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 93, 94, 514
Multivitamin/multimineral supplementation, 600
Muscle strength – grading scale, 24
Musculoskeletal emergencies, 119
Musculoskeletal Manipulation, 278
Mycoplasma species including pneumoniae, fermentans, hominis, penetrans, genitalium, 94
Mycoplasma species, 918
Myelopathy, 2, 120
Myofascial trigger points - clinical management, 274
Myrrh, 533
NAC, 580
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), 580
NADH-cytochrome-c-reductase, 890
NADH-dehydrogenase, 890
Nail pitting, 1039
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), 818
Nattokinase, 781
Naturopathic model of illness and healing, 129, 130
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 427
Neoantigens/neoautoantigens, 428
Neomycin, 964
Neurogenic hypertension, 738
Neurologic deficit in the evaluation of head pain - clinical management, 877
Neurologic examination, 19, 744
Neuronal autoimmunity, 94
Neuropsychiatric lupus is a medical emergency, 1061
Neuropsychiatric lupus, 119
Neurotoxic dysbiosis, 483
NF-kappaB, 417, 418, 419
NFkB and its phytonutritional modulation, 376
NFkB inhibition as an antiviral antireplication strategy, 578
Niacinamide, 270
NLRP3 inflammasome is activated in fibromyalgia, 419
NLRP3 inflammasome is activated in fibromyalgia, 969
NMDA receptor, 442, 935
NMDA-type glutamate receptor (NMDAr), 871
NOD-like receptors (NLR), 419
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, 739
Nuclear transcription factor kappa beta, 376, 419
Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, 419
Nucleotides, 590
Nutrigenomics, 217
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, textbook by Weston Price,, 206
Nutritional Genomics, 217
Nutritional immunomodulation, 307, 609
Nystatin, 496, 723
O’Keefe and Cordain in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 206
Obesity, 204, 822
Objective means for the identification of allergens, 999
Occult infections, 918
Octreotide, 1083
Oculomotor, 23
Oil pulling/swishing, 505
Olfactory, 23
Omega-3 fatty acids - review, 359
Ophthalmic, 23
Opioid epidemic, 245
Oral contraceptives, 735
Oregano oil, 533, 720
Organic foods rather than industrially-produced foods, 212
Orodental dysbiosis, 88, 503
Orthoendocrinology, 688
Orthomolecular Immunomodulation, 386, 993
Orthomolecular Medicine - overview, 216
Orthopedic/musculoskeletal examination: concepts and goals, 20
Orwellian newspeak, 249
Osteochondritis dissecans, 123
Osteomyelitis, 2, 121
Osteopathic manipulation, 798, 973
Osteopathic manipulative treatment for adult pneumonia, 606
Osteopathic Medicine, 149
Overlap syndromes, 1074
Oxygen, for cluster headaches, 892, 970, 973
PABA, 1088
Pain/fatigue syndromes and SIBO, 480
Paleo-, 758
Paleo-Mediterranean Diet, 219, 492, 597, 756
Pancreatic and proteolytic enzymes, 273, 594
Papaya, 567
PAR, 110
Paradigms, and their reasonable alternatives, 197
Parasitelogy, 102
Parasiteology, 501, 529
Parasites, 525
Parenchymal dysbiosis/colonization—introduction to assessment, 91
Parenchymal/Blood Dysbiosis, 511
Parvovirus B-19 (PvB19), 548, 561, 1054, 1085
Pasteurian paradigm, 399
Pathophysiologic responses, 416
Patient (mis)education in standard medicine, 914
Pattern recognition receptors—PRRs, 417
P-cresol, 415
Penicillin treatment of psoriasis, 1048
Pentosedine, 904
Peppermint, 494, 534
Peppermint, 722
Peptidoglycans and exotoxins from gram-positive bacteria, 406
Peripheral neurogenic hypertension, 738
Pesticide exposure, 237
Phenolic content, 209
Pheochromocytoma, 739
Phlogenzym, 595
Phospholipase-A2, 373
Physical examination, 19, 743
Physical exertion, 201
Physical medicine: spinal manipulation, mobilization, 605
Physician errors, 253
Phytochelatins, 711
Phytochemicals, 208
PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway, 422
Picrorhiza, 537
Plasminogen activator inhibitor, 362
Pleomorphic, "cell wall-deficient" bacteria, 408
Political and social action, 238
Polyarteritis nodosa, 1098
Polymicrobial dysbiosis in scleroderma, 553
Polymyalgia Rheumatica, 1100
Polymyositis, 1142
Polyphenolics and phytonutrients, 581
Porphyria cutanea tarda, 162
Post-isometric stretching treatment for MFTP, 276
Potaba, 1088
Potassium supplementation, 764
Potassium-sparing diuretic: spironolatone, 812
Povidone iodine, 515
Prazosin, 813
Pre-contemplation, 194
Preeclampsia, 736
Pregabalin, 912
Preparation, 194
Primary biliary cirrhosis, 85
Primary sclerosing cholangitis, 85
Primary/Genetic Hemochromatosis, 160
Primum Non Nocere, 130
Probiotic supplementation, 535
Probiotics, 490, 603, 782, 962
Progressive Systemic Sclerosis, 1074
Proinflammatory and endocrinologic activity of adipose tissue, 205
Pro-inflammatory foods, 255
Prolactin, 689
Prolotherapy, 298
Propionic acid, 414
Propolis, 308, 377, 389, 996
Proprioceptive rehabilitation and retraining, 293, 300
Proprioceptive retraining, 266
Prostacyclin, 368
Prostaglandin D2, 368
Prostaglandin E-1, 367
Prostaglandin E2, 308, 368
Prostaglandin E-3, 362
Prostaglandin F2-alpha, 369
Prostaglandin G2, 369
Prostaglandin G-3, 362
Prostaglandin H2, 369
Prostaglandin H-3, 362
Prostaglandin I2, 368
Prostaglandin I-3, 362
Prostaglandin synthase complex, 373
Protect & prevent re-injury, 254
Protein - calculation of daily intake, 206, 268, 328
Proteolytic enzymes (used in the treatment of dysbiosis), 535
Proteolytic enzymes, 273, 594
Proteus mirabilis, 471
PRRs, 417
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 94, 471
Psoriasis, main chapter, 1038
Psoriatic rheumatism, 1038
Putrescine, 413, 929
Pyridoxine lowers serum/blood glutamate levels, 886
Pyridoxine, 288, 689, 885
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, 894
Qigong, 791, 973
Quorum sensing, 439
Raynaud’s phenomenon in scleroderma, 1094, 1129
Raynaud's phenomenon, 94, 1129, 1133
Reactive arthritis, 93, 466, 1110
Reasons to avoid the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 247, 249
Referred pain with compression, 274
REFLEXES – grading scale, 24
Relative rest - definition and application in basic holistic care, 254
Renal artery (renovascular) stenosis, 740
Renal disease survey, 743
Renal failure, cause of death in patients with SLE, 1061
Renal injury and failure caused by NSAIDs, 250
Resolvins, 363
Restless leg syndrome, 949
Retinal vasculitis, 1062
Review of systems, 12
Rheumatic psoriasis, 1038
Rheumatoid Factor - interpretation, 80
Rib manipulation, 282
Riboflavin, 290
Rifaxamin, 496
Rifaximin as treatment for SIBO and IBS, 954
Rifaximin, 954, 964
ROS: review of systems, 12
Rosacea, 482
Rose Bengal staining, 1121
Roseburia intestinalis, 427
Rosemary, 308, 377, 389, 996
Saccharomyces boulardii, 492, 719
SAD: Standard American Diet, 757
S-adenosyl-methionine, 576, 962
Safe patient + safe treatment = safe outcome, 110
Salivary gland biopsy, 1121
Salmonella, 93
SAMe, 576
Sarcoidosis, 1138
Savella, 913
Schirmer test, 1121
Schober test, 1114
Scleraderma, 741
Scleroderma secondary to xenobiotic immunotoxicity, 1074
Scleroderma, 1074
Screening laboratory tests in the evaluation of patients with musculoskeletal complaints, 25
Secondary Hemochromatosis, 160
Secretory IgA, 103, 488
SEID, 479
Selective estrogen receptor modulators inhibit Ebola virus infection, 572
Selenium, 573
Septic arthritis, 121, 125, 126
Septic arthritis, in rheumatoid arthritis, 1023
Seropositivity, 81, 1024
Serotonin synthesis, 211
Serum IgE and IgG assays, 391
Shigella, 93
Short-chain fatty acids, 104, 488
SIBO, 922
Sicca syndrome, 1120
Sick role, 265
Silibinin/silybin from Silymarin marianum, 593
Silymarin, 168
Sinorespiratory dysbiosis, 508
Sjögren Syndrome/Disease, 550, 1120
Skatole, 413, 929
Skin taping to increase afferent stimuli, 296
Skin-prick testing, 391, 999
SLE, 1053
Sleep apnea, 741
Sleep, 199
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 124
Small intestinal bacterial/microbial overgrowth, 473
Small intestine bacterial overgrowth in fibromyalgia, 923
Social history, 13
Sodium avoidance, 613
Sodium benzoate, 212
Sodium chloride, 763
Sodium hypochlorite, 516
Somatic dysfunction, 149
Somatostatin analog, 1083
Special considerations in the evaluation of children, 112
Spinal accessory nerve, 23
Spinal cord compression, 2, 120
Spinal manipulation, 605
Spironolatone, 812
SPMD, 717
Sporothrix schenckii, 570
St. John’s Wort, 533
Standard Medical Treatment for Fibromyalgia, 912
Staphylococcus aureus, 531
Stearidonic acid, 360
Stool analysis and comprehensive parasitology, 487
Stool analysis, 103
Streptococcal infections, 94
Streptococcus pyogenes, 531
Stress is a “whole body” phenomenon, 222
Stress management and authentic living, 221
Subluxation, 742
Superantigens, 411
Supercompensation (carbohydrates), 211
Supplemented Paleo-Mediterranean Diet, 219, 256
Syndemic obesity, inflammation, cardiometabolic syndrome, and brain dysfunction, 652
Synthroid, 696
Systemic exertion intolerance disease, 479
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, main chapter, 1053
Systemic Sclerosis, 741, 1074
Systolic hypertension, 788
Syzygium species, 534
Takayasu arteritis, 1098
Tanacetum parthenium, 897
Tartaric acid, 413, 929
Tartrazine, 212
Television, 191
Temporal arteritis, 119, 1100
Testing for Occult Infections and Dysbiosis, 86
Testosterone, 694
Tetanus toxoid, 427
Tetracycline, 497
Th17 cells, 609
Therapeutic dependency - defined, 265
Therapeutic exercise, 266
Therapeutic Interventions, 956
Therapeutic passivity - defined, 265
Thrombocytopenia, 719
Thromboxane A-2, 368
Thromboxane A-3, 362
Thromboxane B2, 368
Thrust vectors, 279
Thyme, 534
Thymus vulgaris, 534
Thyroid (insufficiency or autoimmunity), 696, 697
Thyroid disease, 742
Thyroid glandular—nonprescription T3, 697
Thyroid hormone, 689
Thyroid stimulating hormone - interpretation, 64
Thyroid testing, 745
Thyrolar, 697
Tinidazole, 495
Tissue/Parenchymal/Blood Dysbiosis, 511
Tolle Causam, 130
Toll-like receptors (TLR), 417
Toll-like receptors (TLR, e.g., TLR2 and TLR4), 651
Toll-like receptors, 418
Total inflammatory load (TIL), 479
Total microbial load (TML), 479, 1054
Toxic oil syndrome, 1076
Toxicant Exposure and Detoxification/Depuration, 705
Toxoplasma gondii, 1086
Tramadol, 913
Transcendental meditation, 791
Transgenic food avoidance, 613
Transient synovitis, irritable hip, 123
Treatment for MFTP, 277
Treatment-resistant hypertension, 731
T-regulatory cells, 609
Tricycline, dosing and clinical use, 494, 720
Trigeminal nerve, pain sensation in migraine, 863
Trigeminal, 23
Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F, 690
Triptolide, 690
Trochlear, 23
Truncated self, 226
Tryptamine, 413, 929
Tryptophan, 960
TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone - interpretation, 64
Turmeric, 537
Twitch response, 274
Tyramine, 413, 483, 929
Una de gato, 259
Uncaria guianensis and Uncaria tomentosa, 259
Undecenoic acid, 493, 720
Undecylenic acid, 535
Undecylenic acid, dosing and clinical use, 493, 720
Unfolded protein response (UPR), 650
Unhistorical, 196
Uric acid reduction, 767
Uric acid, 746
Urinalysis (UA), 745
Urinary alkalinization, 770
Urine pH, 746
Urine sodium and potassium, 746
Uva Ursi, 534
Vagal stimulation, 443, 923
Vancomycin, 964, 496
Varicella zoster virus (VZV), 561
Varicella zoster virus in giant cell arteritis, 552
Varicocele, 693
Vasculitic Diseases, 1095
Vasculitis, 464, 508
Vasodilators, 813
Vegetarian diet for fibromyalgia, 958
Vegetarian diet, 758
Vestibulocochlear, 23
Vinyl chloride disease, 1076
Viruses, part 1—Known/popular "epigenomic" viruses, 1054
Viruses, part 2—Human endogenous retroviruses (endoretroviruses, HERVs or ERVs), 1055
Viruses, part 3—Bacteriophages of the gastrointestinal bacteria, 1059
Viruses, part 4—Bacterial synergism via NFkB activation and immunosuppression, 1060
Vis Medicatrix Naturae, 130
Viscous Agents, 298
Visual analog scale, 23
Vitamin A for all patients with measles, 587
Vitamin A, 587
Vitamin A, retinoic acid, RA, 615
Vitamin B-12 in the treatment of allergy, 388
Vitamin B-12 in the treatment of allergy, 995
Vitamin B-6, 288
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 587
Vitamin C in the treatment of allergy, 388, 994
Vitamin C purge, 494, 720
Vitamin C, 273, 770
Vitamin D - antiinflammatory benefits, 378, 450
Vitamin D deficiency - assessment in patients with musculoskeletal pain, 26, 916
Vitamin D status testing, 59
Vitamin D, 728, 742, 746, 769, 770, 801, 815, 816
Vitamin D, 982, 983
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, not ergocalciferol), 586
Vitamin E in the treatment of allergy, 388, 994
Vitamin E, 612
Vitex astus-cagnus, 690
Wall, neurophysiology researcher, 908
Wall-less bacteria, 408
Waterhouse, 456
Wegener’s granulomatosis, 428, 1097, 1102
Weight optimization, 265, 791
Wellness, 4
Whey peptides, 773
Whey protein isolate, 591
Williams, Roger J, 195
Willow bark, 258
Wobble board, 294
Wobenzym, 595
WomanWithin, 224
Work ethic, 198
Xenobiotic Immunotoxicity, 699
Xenobioticcs, 920
Xerostomia, 1120
Xifaxan, 496, 964
Yellow dye #5, 212
Yersinia, 93
Yoga, 290
Zeff, Jared N.D., 189
Zingiber officinale, 258
Zonulin, 404
Zygomycosis, 570