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Dr Alex (Kennerly) Vasquez
Presentations and Keynotes for Conferences; Fees, Etc.
Overview: An award-winning clinician-scholar and founding Program Director of the world's first fully-accredited university-based graduate program in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Dr Alex Vasquez is recognized internationally for his high intellectual and academic standards and for his expertise spanning and interconnecting many topics in medicine and nutrition.
Conference services include:
Plenary presentations
Keynote presentations
Round Table Discussions
Hands-On Tutorials and Interactive Sessions
Team-Building, Conference Organization, Planning Committee, Vetting, Editing, Scientific Preview/Review

Professional Presentations since 1996
Innumerable Conference Presentations, Keynotes to audiences up to 1,800 attendees
Faculty at Institute for Functional Medicine ("IFM") for more than 10 years, including writing the 2008 CME monograph "Musculoskeletal Pain: Expanded Clinical Strategies"
Bulletproof presentations based on clinical experience, extensive training in 3 different healthcare professions, and documentation published in textbooks, clinical monographs, and peer-reviewed publications in a wide range of journals including British Medical Journal (BMJ), Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Integrative Medicine (x4), Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (x2), Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA), Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Current Asthma and Allergy Reports, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Nature Reviews Rheumatology, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, and Arthritis & Rheumatism, the Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology
Based on his wide education(s), clinical experiences, and publications, Dr Vasquez is able to address a wide range of professional audiences
Education: Dr Vasquez holds three doctoral degrees from fully-accredited American universities as a graduate of University of Western States (Doctor of Chiropractic, 1996), Bastyr University (Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, 1999), and University of North Texas Health Science Center, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, 2010). Dr Vasquez has completed hundreds of hours of post-graduate and continuing education in subjects including Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Basic and Advanced Disaster Life Support, Nutrition and Functional Medicine; while in the final year of medical school, Dr Vasquez completed a Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research hosted by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Books: Dr Vasquez is the author of many textbooks (see entire listing on, including Integrative Orthopedics (2004, 2007 2012), Functional Medicine Rheumatology (Third Edition, 2014), Musculoskeletal Pain: Expanded Clinical Strategies (commissioned and published by Institute for Functional Medicine, 2008), Chiropractic and Naturopathic Mastery of Common Clinical Disorders (2009), Integrative Medicine and Functional Medicine for Chronic Hypertension (2011), Brain Inflammation in Migraine and Fibromyalgia (2016), Mitochondrial Nutrition and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Primary Care (Second Edition, 2014), Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition (2014), Mastering mTOR (2015) and the 1200-page Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition (2016) also published as a two-volume set titled Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
Scientific articles: "DrV" has also written approximately 100 letters and articles for professional magazines and medical journals such as, British Medical Journal (BMJ), Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Nutritional Perspectives, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Original Internist, Integrative Medicine, Holistic Primary Care, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA), Dynamic Chiropractic, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Current Asthma and Allergy Reports, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Nature Reviews Rheumatology, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, and Arthritis & Rheumatism, the Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology.
Scientific editing: Having served on the Review Boards for Journal of Pain Research, Autoimmune Diseases, PLOS One, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Neuropeptides, International Journal of Clinical Medicine, Journal of Inflammation Research (all PubMed/Medline indexed), Integrated Blood Pressure Control, Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, and Journal of Naturopathic Medicine and as the founding Editor of Naturopathy Digest, Dr Vasquez is currently the Editor (2013-) of International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine and Editor (2018-) of Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, published by the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine.
Consulting: Dr Vasquez lectures internationally to healthcare professionals and has a consulting practice and service for doctors and patients.
Agreements and Fees for Conferences and Presentations (first draft Feb 2020)
The following are some experiences and old ideas written here for the first time in early 2020 for the sake of my own clarity and for communicating terms and expectations for upcoming conferences and presentations. I've been overly generous in the past, and with the decline of social decorum (which appears to be a progressive and international event affecting people of all ages, ie, not simply "unparented millennials"), I clearly need to better define the parameters of my participation. These are general considerations for presentations typically of 1-3 hours; additional services including assistance with accreditation, team-building, content editing and vetting, video production, leadership are also available.
Example of Dr Vasquez's team-building and conference-organizing expertise: The 2013 International Conference on Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, with more than 15 presenters and 400 attendees from 13 countries fully accredited for MD, DO, RN/NP, PA, ND, DC and others
Example of Dr Vasquez's humored perspective on how experts are exploited to the detriment of their own expertise and the learning experience of students/attendees when administrators/organizers do not have the experience and conscientiousness to produce and protect and excellence-enhancing learning event.
Conference services include:
Plenary presentations
Keynote presentations
Round Table Discussions
Hands-On Tutorials and Interactive Sessions
Team-Building, Conference Organization, Planning Committee, Vetting, Editing, Scientific Preview/Review
Ingredients of an expert-level conference presentation:
Undergraduate study (4 years) in Human Biology
- Doctor of Chiropractic (4 years)
- Publication of professional articles in journals and magazines
- Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (4 years)
- Years of clinical practice experience in outpatient care
- Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (4 years)
- Years of clinical experience in public clinic and inpatient/hospital/emergency care
- Constant review of the research literature, typically at least 3,000 articles per year
- Ongoing publication of books and articles
- Teaching experience at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate levels
- Ongoing study of writing, editing, and effective communication and teaching
- International conference experience
- Administrative and directing work for accredited educational programs
- Ongoing research across many different disciplines including nutrition, medicine, microbiology, internal medicine and rheumatology
- Updating, review and refinement of presentations
Standard normal provisions: These are normal and expected for all professional presenters at essentially all conferences; these stipulations have no negative impact on the personal provisions listed in the section that follows.
Attendance: Attendance to the full conference; this is industry standard and should be obvious to any conference organizer that values a coordinated conference.
Transport: All travel and lodging expenses to the event and returning from the event; again, obvious.
Fee payment via bank transfer or PayPal: Payment of at least 50% in advance of preparation and travel with the other remaining 50% paid along with incidental travel and presentation-related expenses
Respect for author's ownership: The presented material is the property of the author. If the conference organizers wish to provide printed handouts to attendees, this can be arranged/negotiated separately and rather easily. Under practically no circumstances will digital/PDF/PPT copies of material be made available because these are too easily pirated and "shared = stolen" by attendees by email and social media, etc. Likewise, video recordings by conference organizers or attendees are prohibited until details of payment, protection, distribution and use are clarified. Conference organizers with any modicum of experience should be sufficiently conscientious of these considerations.
Personal provisions:
Fees: Generally, presentations in Europe will pay €2,500 minimum while conferences in the US (involving intercontinental travel not used for other conference presentation) will pay a minimum of US$10,000 for whatever events/programs/presentations are agreed-upon.
Companion travel within Europe: For an additional train ticket but no increase in lodging expenses, my "significant other" will accompany me to the conference (if she desires). Again, this generally applies to Europe but not intercontinental travel.
Organization and efficiency, not disorganization and chaos: Organizers agree to communicate in a professional and efficient manner, certainly not in a disorganized and chaotic manner that accomplishes little and wastes time and energy.
Free advice on how to organize a conference and communicate with the presenters:
Wrong: When conference organizers have 3 or more direct contacts who are unaware of other event-specific communications they are proving that they are unorganized and inexperienced and such is a poor reflection on a pending conference. Wasting the most valuable assets of expert presenters such as their time, energy, and good will by the use of unprofessional and uncoordinated emails is evidence that the event is unlikely to be successful in other important aspects of quality and attendance, so please don't waste my time with it.
Right: The more efficient team would consist of 1) the leader, 2) accreditation coordinator, and 3) presentation/logistics coordinator, all of whom are involved and coordinated.